11 October, 2018

Professional profiles, Health Assistant

With us today in our Professional Profiles Section we have Javi Beitia, a Nursing Assistant at Onkologikoa, a highly valued colleague who also has long-standing experience in training workers in patient mobility and postural hygiene.

How long have you worked at Onkologikoa?

Approximately 33 years.

What does your working routine involve? What are your main duties?

My main duties vary widely. From moving patients from one unit to another, to helping orderlies and nurses to move patients, assisting them with their personal hygiene, etc.

What do you like most about your work?

It may sound like a cliché, but the patient-worker situation never fails to teach you something every day about relationships and makes you aware of the need for humanization when providing care.

As well as working as a nursing assistant at Onkologikoa, you are also the go-to person for patient mobility and postural hygiene. Tell us a bit more about it…

I have been giving training courses for 21 years on health and safety issues when moving patients and postural hygiene throughout the Basque Country, Navarra, Logroño and Santander. In our job, adequate training in this area greatly helps to reduce staff absences. That’s why at Onkologikoa we are planning to introduce a Back School project for the workers.

What, in your opinion, is the most important thing you can do to help patients in your everyday work?

Affection, a professional approach and the willingness to listen.


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